Martina Beermann – Accounts Ranging from small sums to millions of euros
My daily work mainly revolves around bills, ranging from small sums to millions of euros. I shouldn’t forget a zero…. it’s about invoices, down-payments or instalments with partial or final invoices. I have been at the company since 2006. After obtaining my vocational diploma in Gütersloh and completing my training as a bank clerk, I ended up at RIPPERT.

Initially I worked in Procurement Management, before moving a couple of years later to Accounts. I’ve known the company since I was a child. My father worked here in “Maintenance”. The old company site was familiar to me even as a child. I also know the Rippert family personally. Due to the contacts it was an obvious thing for me to start here. It was a good decision. Today, I work in a modern, air-conditioned office with colleagues from other departments. That is very nice, because that way I get to hear about topics from the various company divisions. How do I find the cooperation in the company? It’s very pleasant. It’s “low-threshold”: views are regularly exchanged with others. I meet those colleagues with whom I have a great deal to do outside of work as well. And the canteen is fantastic! The food is freshly prepared every day and it’s a wonderful place for conversation. On the whole, the company has grown a lot in the past few years; all parts of the building have been renovated or replaced by new ones. Great importance was attached to a modern, appealing design. The company site no longer bears any resemblance to how it was when I was a child. As far as my work in Accounts is concerned, I have accumulated a real wealth of experience over the course of time, which allows me to arrange my work very well. That includes estimating which tasks need to be done particularly quickly, for instance when it comes to customs issues. Otherwise, great importance is attached to working independently, which appeals to me a lot. During most of the months I can arrange my work very well. However, it’s a bit different in the crucial phase of the invoicing, which extends from mid-December to the end of January. For billing, we work in-house with an ERP system that is tailored perfectly to our needs. When there are changes and adaptations, we can clarify them with our in-house experts via the shortest channels. There are also internal training courses that keep me up to date. It’s great that such a large international company exists in a district like Herzebrock-Clarholz. I myself come from Clarholz and have only a short journey to work. In addition to that, job and hobby can be reconciled well. Anyway, I have enough time for my hobby, which is riding. Regularly concerning myself with the horses and everything associated with that is good for my work/life balance.